What sweet relief it is to be out and about again and connecting with others more than we have in the past 3 years! It feels great!
The apex of the Covid pandemic in NYC ー at least the first wave ー was 3 years ago this month, and it’s such a relief to be mostly on the other side of the challenges we faced at that time. NYC in particular has been feeling more vibrant than it has in a long time, especially with the weather picking up and spring blooms all around. Here’s roundup of what we’ve been up to lately this spring season in the Big Apple:
Futures and Options Career Exploration Volunteer Day
We maintained our relationship with Futures and Options throughout the pandemic with virtual volunteer events, but it sure felt great to welcome these inspiring highschool students into our office and gather in-person for the first time in years. We loved sharing our career journeys, explaining how the professional recruiting world works, as well as sharing advice on career development and resume building.

Industrious Women’s Breakfast at Penn 1
Our Team connected with women employed at our worksite and made new connections with our neighboring companies! It was fun to have a breakfast social hour and get to know more about who we share our space with. We’ve only been at Industrious for one year, and we love that they organize laid-back social events so we can connect with one another over common ground.

Remote Daily Virtual Jobs Hour in partnership with Hood Code
Clarity connected with job-seekers affected by recent layoffs in the tech sector and had a speaker (shout out to Serena) clarify what it means to partner with a recruiter. We know there are misconceptions about recruiters and that not all offer trust, support, and empathetic communication ー but since we do, we wanted to help make that known! We also nailed down the basics on how to get in touch and work with us. All proceeds went to Hood Code, a non-profit dedicated to providing coding education for youth in NYCHA housing across NYC that otherwise may not have access to it. Some key takeaways from Serena’s session here: Make Linkedin Work for you and Embrace the Strength of Weak Ties

From Day One Conference – Brooklyn Museum
Three of our Team members attended From Day One at the most glorious venue an HR conference has ever had… the Brooklyn Museum! Sessions on the future of work juxtaposed with epic paintings and sculptures on a beautiful Spring day? Yes, please! This was a first for us and hopefully not the last. We met lots of new HR Leaders and also learned about new services to research and recommend ー all accompanied by inspiring panel discussions and presentations tailored to our work.

We’re making plans to get out there more this quarter ー where shall we go next? Would love to learn about what events are on your radar for HR practitioners, Recruiters, Talent-seekers and job-seekers!